Galley Consultancy
Atlantico’s consultancy packages, tailored to the needs of newly built or actively cruising yachts, encompass two primary areas:
• Galley Design
• Galley Equipment Procurement
Galley Design
Drawing on Deniz Kurt’s extensive experience as a yacht chef aboard various sizes of sailing yachts and motor yachts, we have observed numerous significant and minor errors in galley designs that can have serious repercussions. This insight has led us to provide consultancy services during the galley design phase from the chef’s perspective.
For expert guidance on galley design, please contact us while the yacht is still under construction.
Galley Equipment Purchase
Galley equipment comprises all types of industrial kitchen equipment that are indispensable for professional culinary operations.
Why Is This Service Essential?
Galleys, which differ markedly from home or restaurant kitchens, have distinct requirements. A galley should not be regarded as a home kitchen; similarly, it cannot match the extensive layout of a restaurant kitchen. As a result, the dimensions and quantities of kitchen equipment must be tailored to the size of the yacht. Selecting the appropriate industrial equipment for galley use is vital to achieving restaurant-quality dishes and necessitates specialized expertise and experience.
Completed Projects
55mt /180ft MOTORYACHT VEGA- Amels - HOLLAND / Galley Equipment Consultancy
63.8mt / 209'3ft MOTORYACHT MAGNA GRECIA- Elsflether Werft - GERMANY / Galley Equipment Consultancy
39.3mt / 128'11ft MOTORYACHT BELKA- Tansu Yachts- TURKEY / Interior and Galley Equipment Consultancy and Crew trainings
29.6mt / 96'9ft MOTORYACHT- Monte Carlo Yachts - ITALY / Interior and Galley Equipment Consultancy- Crew trainigns
43mt / 141'1ft MOTORYACHT TURKEY / Interior and Galley Equipment Consultancy, Crew trainings